Yoga Trends

Yoga Trends

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

People have been taking a seat at their yoga mats for thousands of years. Whether it’s to clear thoughts and become more mindful or to increase flexibility and improve muscle tone, yoga does it all. That’s why practicing yoga isn’t just a workout, it’s a lifestyle.

In recent years, a new wave of yogi’s has rolled onto the scene and brought a handful of modern practices with them to yoga studios everywhere. They’re more dedicated than ever before to finding their om, even if it means experimenting a little. Here are 5 of the hottest (and weirdest) yoga trends right now, plus one less popular one.

Animal Yoga

Move over, downward dog. There are more animals in town; The get-up goat, bending bunny and swaying snake.

Okay, those poses are made-up. But the yoga classes are completely real. People are paying good money to do yoga with animals for different reasons. For example, pet therapy, like bunny and goat yoga, is said to be relaxing and uplifting, especially when dealing with grief or sadness. Snake yoga, on the other hand, is all about creating energy and facing fears.

You should bring an open mind to your mat- and maybe some eco-friendly wipes. Because no matter how enlightened they are, when animals gotta go, they gotta go. Furry friends tend to leave furry dropping during bunny yoga and goat yoga.

Online Yoga

Anything can pretty much be found on the internet today. So, it only makes sense that a lot of businesses and influencers have increased their online presence.

Want to take yoga classes but you’re too afraid to do them in front of other people? Or, you keep missing the classes because of your schedule? No worries. Hop online and look for free instructionals on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. There are a ton of people there to follow and workout with including Jessamyn Stanley, Rachel Brathen, Adriene Mishler, and Rebekah Borucki, to name a few.

Acro Yoga

Much like in snake yoga, acro yoga is about facing your fears. It’s a mixture of traditional yoga meets acrobatics. So, while it’s a tad more playful, it also knows when to be serious. The primary objective is about vulnerability and communication. You will need to be in constant communication with your partner whether you’re the base, the flyer or any other position. It’s

about challenging yourself, opening up and trusting another person. You can show up with a partner but don’t skip out if you can’t find anyone. People go to class solo all of the time. It could be an opportunity to meet someone new and build a unique relationship from the ground up.

Gin Yoga

There’s been wine yoga and beer yoga, but now there’s gin yoga.

The idea is, if you’re feeling nervous about attending a class, these beverages will give you a boost of liquid courage to get you by. Not only that but gin is especially known for having a calming effect. But be careful not to sip too quickly because it’s also known for creeping up and causing unpleasant feelings -or nausea- as well.

When done the right way, think of gin yoga as a total body experience. The class will teach you to tune in to and appreciate what’s going on in your body. Everything from the way the gin feels as it touches your lips to the journey it takes until you feel that warming sensation in your stomach, and well hopefully, your soul.

Yoga Wheel

Yoga is no stranger to props. Sometimes to achieve a certain posture, or properly support your technique, the instructor will gently slide a yoga block underneath you. Rolled up mats or towels can have the same benefits.

Now there are yoga wheels to help you out also. They’re great for aiding with your backbends flexibility.

Yin Yoga

You’re likely familiar with the yin-yang. They’re two complementary forces in Chinese philosophy that represent the light and dark in all things. While yang is thought of as more of an active energy, yin is much calmer.

What you’re probably unfamiliar with, however, is Yin Yoga. It’s a much slower-paced style of yoga that includes dim lights and guided meditation. Sounds kind of wonderful, right? So, why isn’t it more popular? Yoga studios are stumped too.

This style is different from traditional yoga because it focuses more on the connective tissues in the body versus muscle groups. Also, each pose is held longer than in other classes, often for several minutes at a time.

Though holding each stance can be a bit of a challenge, the real workout is what’s going on in the mind. Everyone stores emotions in their body and yin yoga is able to tap directly into them. It’s not uncommon to cry during a class (never from pain!). Keep in mind each pose should challenge you, but not hurt you. Listen to your body and follow its signals. This is a great practice for anyone in therapy or who suffers from anxiety.

Have you tried these yoga trends before or incorporated any of them into your lifestyle? We’d love to hear all about how you’re practicing yoga.

But ultimately, it doesn’t matter how you downward dog, all that matters is that you enjoy doing it. Namaste! To see more blogs like this one, come back and visit our site often.

How to Open a Yoga Studio

How to Open a Yoga Studio

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Opening a successful yoga studio is similar to opening a gym, except there’s a little more zen and a lot less equipment. If you’ve been into yoga for some time now and have obtained your certifications and teaching hours, here is a quick guide on how to open a yoga studio.

The Time is Now

Yoga isn’t a new fad. It can be dated back thousands of years in history. However, the practice has grown substantially in the past decade, particularly in the United States. So, the time is ripe now for creating a business plan and opening a small business in the yoga community.

If you’re worried there might be too much competition, don’t be. There is plenty of space, and success to be had by everyone. Besides, no two yoga studios are ever alike. Just like no two people are ever exactly alike either. Be yourself and the customers will follow. Keep the yoga classes coming!

Find a Space You Love

Yoga is all about training the mind and body to work together. The place you choose for your yoga studio is important. It should be friendly and inviting. You want to rent somewhere that says you’re warm and welcoming and gives off good vibes. 

When opening a yoga studio, you don’t have a lot to buy for the facility. Yes, you might consider a management software to make organizing and staying on top of things easier like memberships, check-in’s, and emails. And yes, you might need small essentials such as yoga mats, blocks, wheels, and baskets. But, that’s pretty much it. A yoga studio doesn’t require more than active members and floor mats.

That’s great news for you as the business owner. It means you won’t need a huge financial backing to get started like you would at a gym. Instead, you can spend your time focusing primarily on the space itself.

Where will you rent and how big of a studio will you need? If you are already teaching and you have a following, it should give you an idea of how big to start off.

Raise Your Vibration

Raise your vibration! Send out feelings of love, gratitude, generosity, happiness and more. Hire instructors who will do the same. People will take notice.

Not only can you raise the vibration in the energy you’re putting out, but you should also raise the vibration inside your studio. You can achieve this by intentionally filling it up with sights and smells that are pleasing to the senses.

Start with color because colors hold immense power. So, when decorating, be mindful of the paint you choose for the walls. The color you pick can either lift you up and give you the utmost clarity and motivation, or it can mentally block you from tapping into true potential. For example, red is energizing, while yellow is uplifting, green is encouraging and blue is calming.

Aside from colors, keep as much space open as possible to avoid clutter. Use essential oils and incense, play soft music, let fresh air in whenever you can, and place plants and flowers all about. If you don’t have a green thumb, don’t fret. There are still ways to incorporate some, like purchasing faux plants.

Promote Yourself

Raising your vibration is always great but you will still need to market yourself. There are tons of ways to do this! Get on social media, advertise free trials, and host events. Some event ideas include a grand opening, anniversary bashes, and offering up your space to causes in the community. Another idea is planning pop-up events near your small business and getting the word out on social media.

Offer a Variety

You want to offer a variety of yoga classes as well as instructors. People enjoy having options to choose from because it gives them a chance to try out different techniques and styles of teachings.

Also, stay up to date on the latest yoga trends. Of course, skip over the ones you’re uncomfortable with or don’t resonate with the message you wish to send out. But, do stay open to occasionally trying new things.


Good luck. Now that you’ve got some ideas to add to your business plan, you will be on your way to becoming a business owner with a successful yoga studio in no time.


How To Clean Gym Mats and Fitness Floor Surfaces

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

You’ve freed up some of your workload by installing a Gym Management Software. (Go you!) And now you have time to shift your focus to other things like interacting with your gym members more- or cleaning your gym mats. Yes, your gym mats!

Admittedly, it might not be the most exciting or glamorous aspect of being a gym owner, but someone has to do it. In this post, you will learnhow to clean gym mats,and other floorings, and why you want to.

Why clean the floors?

If you’re a new gym owner, clean flooring might not feel particularly high on your to-do list. Especially, if everything is brand new, anyway. But trust us, it won’t stay that way forever. Soon, you’re going to have a lot of traffic parading in and out of there. Remember, in addition to your normal flow of members, you’re also planning to host several gym events

New and old gym owners alike: Protect your investment! Gym flooring is essential. It provides many functions in your place of business. Like, proper protection and utmost comfort for your members and athletes during their workouts. Also, it boosts the attractiveness of your inside space.

Dirty floors can become a potential health or safety hazard. They harbor bacteria and become slippery when they are built-up with gunk. You don’t need that kind of avoidable stress in your life. Plus, they could smell.

Clean the mats already!

How to clean gym mats:

Turn it up

Your first order of business is to have a little fun with it and turn on your Pandora or Spotify. It’s proven that people are able to go farther and longer during workouts when they’re listening to their favorite jams. The same is true for chores. So, crank it up and get to sweeping!

Determine the type

Before diving into the next cleaning tips, it’s important to take note of which type of material you’re working with. Do you have tile, rubber flooring or something else?


All you need for tile flooring is a mop, some hot water, and your choice of disinfectant. You can choose from ammonia, bleach (but never the two together!), or a specialty floor cleaner.

If you want to go a more natural route with fewer fumes, you can buy a bulk of good old fashioned distilled white vinegar. It works great because not only does it tackle different bacteria like e.coli and salmonella, it’s also tough on residue and it dries fast. You only need about a half a cup per every gallon of water for it to clean and disinfect properly. Then, let the area air dry.

If you’re worried about your whole gym reeking like a giant bag of salt and vinegar crisps- don’t be. The smell disappears when the floor is dry, and what’s more is, it will absorb other unpleasant scents with it.


There aren’t as many cleaning options for laminate flooring as there are with tile. They also can’t handle a lot of the harsher chemicals, have excess water on them or even stay just a little wet for even a short period of time. With that said though, they are cheaper to install and require less maintenance than some of the other floors on this list. Even if it doesn’t sound like it.

Your best bet with laminate is to look for a specialty floor cleaner or use a damp rag with hot water and white vinegar. Afterward, you want to wipe over it again with a dry rag.

Yoga Mats

Yoga mats have all sorts of fun stuff lurking on them- sweat, tears, dead skin and so much more. They get a lot of up close and personal action. Fortunately, they are a bit easier to clean and maintain. All you have to do is set out some paper towels and a homemade blend of water, detergent and essential oils. After each class, have every guest lay their mats on a flat surface and wipe them clean. You can use more paper towels to dry them, or conserve your supply by letting them air dry.

Rubber Mats

Like laminate, rubber flooring has some do’s and don’ts also. You can use a variety of cleaners. But, there are different types of rubber. Don’t use anything acidic to clean them, like vinegar. It will eat through the mat and cause it to degrade faster. Also be sure to find a rubber that won’t mold after exposure to excess water and to use a mop made out of nylon. Cotton mops tend to leave bits and pieces behind.

Now that you know how to clean and disinfect your floor, sit back and enjoy your work. Ahhh, clean flooring. Your members and athletes will appreciate you! One last thing- you should aim to clean the mats at least once a week.

If you found these cleaning tips helpful, come back and visit our blog often for more fitness industry related information.


Gym Business Ideas

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

If you’re on the fence about building a fitness business or starting your own gym, we’re here to say: go for it!

Why not? When you’re passionate about health and fitness, and eager to make an impact on other people’s lives, it only makes sense to earn a living while doing it.

Lucky for you, the fitness industry is at an all-time high, with no reason to believe it’s going out of style anytime soon. That’s because there are always going to be people who want to eat better, look better, feel better, and be better. So, in no time at all, your small business could result in a ton of profit. In this post, you will find several business ideas to get you started.

Become a Physical Therapist or Nutritionist

Do you have to go to school before you open a business? No. If you’re ready to get started right now, you will be happy to know there are plenty of fitness careers that only require certifications.

However, if you are good at hitting the books, it’s never a bad idea to earn a bachelor’s degree or doctoral degree, in any health-related field. It would open the doors to many more fitness career possibilities like physical therapy, or nutrition.

With physical therapy, you can coach patients on how to manage or prevent injuries, like athletes. Or if you’re more interested in what goes into the body, you could become a nutritionist and help with meal plans, weight loss, and eating healthy. After all, only a small percentage of results comes from the actual working out. The rest of a client’s results depend on what type of fuel they are loading up on and if they are eating healthy or not.

What’s especially great about both of these professions is that they can find work anywhere. If you want to be a physical therapist or nutritionist in someone else’s gym, cool. If you want to be a physical therapist or nutritionist in your own gym, equally cool. You could start out anywhere and branch out to your own place of business as your experience grows.

Become a Personal Trainer

Personal training is another flexible career. Meaning, you have options of where you want to work also. The possibilities are endless. You could work at a gym, make house calls, set up pop-up events someplace and eventually take clients with you when you open your own space.

Because let’s face it, it’s tough to go at weight loss alone. It’s nice to have someone who can assist and encourage you in achieving your personal goals and help you stay the course. So from a client perspective, once you’ve found a personal trainer you’re comfortable with, you’re willing to follow them to the ends of the earth. Whatever it takes. That’s why personal training will always be a market with high potential.

Open a Specialty Gym

When opening a gym, you could make it a free for all, where anyone is welcome to come  do their thing on the equipment. That’s always fun! But, if you are particularly skilled or knowledgeable in a certain fitness area you enjoy, hone in on it and transform it into your small business. Like CrossFit, powerlifting, yoga or dance.

Yoga Studio

People head to their yoga mats daily for many reasons. Not only does it improve overall flexibility and physical fitness, but it’s also a way to destress and clear the mind. And the better news is, this health trend isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. So, if you love yoga and want to help others work toward finding their own spiritual grounding, take steps toward getting your yoga license and becoming a yoga fitness instructor.

Dance Studio

Consider becoming a dance fitness instructor. Much like yoga, dance is here to stay. People can’t resist the urge to get up and move their bodies in a dance studio. Unlike running, dancing is the one kind of cardio that can do no wrong and there are many types to choose from. There’s Zumba, jazzercise, salsa, hip hop, ballroom dancing, and pole dancing.

Now that you have some business ideas to get you on your way to starting your own gym, think about your next steps, like creating a business plan. For more fitness industry tips, visit our blog often.


Gym Event Ideas To Increase Your Fitness Business

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Are you wondering if hosting gym events will be helpful in keeping your current members active while also attracting new ones? The short answer is yes. The long answer is- absolutely yes!

Not only are gym events great for business and raising your brand awareness, they’re also just plain fun to put on. It’s an excellent way for you to be involved with your fitness community and get to know your customers better. Plus, they’ll appreciate that you aren’t all work and zero play. Because, everyone loves a good social hour.

The question is where do you start? Or, which events do you put on first? In this post, you will find some gym event ideas to get your party going!

Grand Opening

Is your fitness centre about to open its doors for the very first time? Congratulations! You’ve likely been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Have you been making sure the space is just right? Ordering equipment, lining up teachers and classes, and setting up your gym management software? We know how it goes, and all of that is fantastic stuff!

But, now you need to switch gears over to marketing yourself. Hop on your social media (it’s 2019, we know you’ve got one!) and let everyone know when and where your big day will take place.

Hire a DJ to play upbeat music, offer live demos of your classes, and put out a few trays of healthy finger foods, like proteins, fruits and vegetables. You could even consider catering from one of the local businesses in your area. It might be the start to a beautiful business relationship; One where you’d help to promote each other.

Besides the free class demos, put on several small contests also. The bigger prizes can be things like a free gym membership trial or free personal training sessions. And the smaller ones can be door prizes or swag bags filled with items that have your logo on them: t-shirts, water bottles, towels, etc.

Happy Anniversary

Brand new gyms aren’t the only ones who get to have all the fun. Older gyms can too! Host an annual anniversary bash for your establishment each year. You’d offer all the same things as you would at a grand opening, but now you focus on your milestones.

Change the prizes or swag bags to reflect your number of years in business. If it’s your first year, give every person one free class pass. Or if it’s your second, put each name into the door prize drawing two times. You can get creative with it.

Challenges and Contests

Once you have a steady client base built up, get some challenges going. A friendly competition could help grab your members attention and keep their attendance on track. Do weekly or monthly weigh-ins and measurements. Whoever has tackled the most miles or burned the most calories at each contest check-point will win a prize. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy- unless you’re a ninja warrior gym of course, and you want it to be.

The difference between challenges and contests is that with challenges, everyone works toward a similar goal and each person receives acknowledgement or praise once they’ve reached it. A contest, on the other hand, is a bit more competitive, with only one or two winners in the end. You can choose whichever one feels the best to you- or mix and match them.

Target Audience

It’s important to learn who your target audience is. Who are you speaking to? Are your current members mostly body-builders? Crossfitters? Yogi’s? Runners? Dancers? Families? All of the above? Shape your events around the audiences you are trying to attract to your facility.

If it’s body-builders you’re after, then you will want to bring in the big guns. Meaning, you need to find famous or locally famous body-builders who can come in to talk tips and motivation tricks to your clients. Yogi’s will look for free yoga sessions, dancers will look for zumba and salsa nights, and mums will look for Target giftcards and cocktails. Kidding. (Mostly! But it can’t hurt.) They will likely look for “mummy and me” type opportunities where they can bring their kids with them to class.

The point is, a yogi probably couldn’t care less about a body-builder pep talk, and vice versa. Think about what will appeal to each target audience and either host a bunch of small events, or a big one to appeal to the majority.

Fundraising & Charity

There’s always going to be a fundraising event or charity event in your community looking for a space to do their thing. It would be pretty cool of you to rent out, or even offer up, your facility for a few hours. Not only would you get some good karma out of the deal, but you’d also be getting free marketing and new visitors checking out your place.


So, pop up events are exactly like the name implies. You pop up someplace unexpected and offer free classes for people to try out. By taking your classes outside of your facility, you are expanding your reach, and you’re bringing your brand awareness to a group of potential customers who might not have been exposed to it otherwise.

Are you ready?

Was this list of gym event ideas helpful? If you test one out, we’d love to hear how it went in our comments.

how to sell gym memberships

How to Sell Gym Memberships

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Gym owners: You’ve got a bangin’ fitness facility, located on the perfect piece of property, filled with only the best of the best equipment and most dedicated employees. But, that means absolutely nothing if you can’t find people who want to sign with your gym. Keep reading to learn 5 ways you can turn prospective members into loyal customers with this “how to sell gym memberships” guide.

Make a Lasting First Impression

You’ve heard it before; First impressions are everything. It’s quite possible the person who walks through the door has tried the gym scene before and it didn’t last. Any hint of pushiness or aggression could send them running in the other direction.

Always be kind, encouraging and patient. If you come off like you’re only interested in membership sales, you could quite possibly confirm the doubts or fears they had before they entered.

Be genuine. Get to know them. Let them ask their questions. When they’re done, ask them their “why” and their goals. Afterward, you will be able to take them on a personalised tour of your place. You can point out classes, instructors, and equipment you feel would be a good match for them. They will appreciate your genuine interest in their mission.

It’s important for your staff to do the same. Schedule a monthly training session. In the training session, you can go over best customer service practices and even do role-playing activities. Consider making your sales team different from your walk-in greeters. Let the sales department take the phone calls.

Get on Social Media

Invest in social media advertising, if you can. Or if you’re pretty online savvy, manage it yourself to save some money. Regardless, it’s a good tool to use. In recent years, it has become a great way to increase brand engagement and sales for all kinds of businesses.

Nowadays, everybody is selling something online and people hate being directly sold to. We get it. Especially if you plan on re-sharing things to your personal page for added reach. However, there is a way to show off your brand and entice your audience without being in anyone’s face about it.

All you have to do is keep it real. Post updates with offers, glimpses into classes, and pictures of your employees and members kicking butt and taking names. It won’t take long for others to notice all the fun going on and reach out with their inquiries.

Look for influencers- people who have a large following in the fitness industry. They have the ability to persuade their audience into checking out your space too. Not all influencers are looking for monetary payment. They might be willing to trade services with you; free shoutouts for a free membership. Though, if they are starting out, they may only want experience for their portfolio.

Run Promotions and Special Offers

Sometimes all you need in order to gain exposure is to run promotions and special offers. You know everybody likes those. Everybody likes free too; a little taste test before they agree to commit.

Now, free might not sound quite as exciting when it’s your money or fitness facility. But, when it’s done right, you stand to garner quite a bit of attention which in turn could lead to membership sales.

If you’re new to the neighborhood, and even if you’re not, throw a welcome party. And then? Throw another one. Why not? Host events where you can offer samples of your most liked classes. Do fun workouts and workshops, informational Q&A sessions and even rent out your space to a community cause or local businesses.

Offer a Referral Program

Why should newbies get all the perks? Give your existing customers an incentive to share in the celebration as well. Start a referral program and give every member a certain amount of free passes. That way, they can bring in friends and family to workout with them and crush their goals together. Once their guests sign-up, they get credits or points toward their account.

Take it one step further and extended the offer to your employees. You can make it a monthly giveaway. The employee to get X amount of signs up gets- whatever you decide.

Use Gym Management Software

Use your handy dandy gym management software to notate strong leads and prospective members to follow up with. You could also use it to track your sales. Find out which tactics are working the best.

Don’t have one or know what a scheduling software is? Not a problem. Read our blog called, “What is Gym Management Software?”. Afterward, ask for a free demo on our gym software page.

We hope you learned something new about how to sell gym memberships. Go get some loyal customers. If you did, we’d love to hear from you. Leave us a comment. For more fitness industry related tips, keep an eye out on our page.

EZFacility Gym Management Software

What is Gym Management Software?

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

If you’re new to owning a gym, or thinking about it, you’ve probably heard about fitness software once or twice. What is gym management software, anyway? Besides, “time-saving” and “game-changing.” Read more to find out.

What is Gym Management Software?

As a new, or even seasoned, gym owner, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the business and want to take on many different roles. Big mistake. Don’t do it.

You want to focus your energy on what matters most, like creating lasting connections with your members, not time-consuming administrative tasks. That’s where a reputable software comes in. It’s a management solution with real-time reporting that does the heavy lifting for you.

It goes by many different names: fitness software, gym membership software, gym scheduling software, and scheduling software. Potato-Potato? (read: Potayto-Potahto). Not necessarily. Yes, each one is a powerful set of tools to help you better manage your clients, staff, and finances. But like anything, you will want to shop around to find one that fits your facility’s individual needs.

Who uses it?

These days, many health and fitness facilities use a management system; Small and big gyms, traditional and non-traditional gyms, yoga studios, spin studios and dance studios- you name it. Chances are, they are all using one or are thinking of using one. That’s because it is a great way to save time and grow your business. Any fitness establishment that aims to run things more efficiently and stay ahead of their competition will find it beneficial.

How is it used?

It is used several ways, from assigning classes to specific instructors to onboarding and tracking new members to sending out emails and processing payments.

*Member Management:

It’s no secret your members’ happiness is vital to the health of your establishment. Or that the amount of people who drop out like flies after the New Year is always going to be a threat, no matter how much the industry is booming. That’s what your management tools are for. Customer retention largely depends on the kind of overall experience a customer has with your company. This is why having available data on your members and their behaviors is more valuable than you might know.

Gym membership software tracks the attendance pattern of each person and alerts you when they are at risk of dropping out. Once you’re informed of the situation, you can use email marketing to send a series of carefully curated nurture texts and emails, letting them know they are missed. Or you can try a different approach and send them offers on other classes you think they might enjoy better. Bottom line is: members like to feel included and thought of.

Another thing they like is convenience. That’s because we’re living in the digital age, which means people have become accustomed to instant gratification. And what’s more gratifying as a customer than being able to manage their membership online through a self-service portal? One where they can sign up for classes, create goals, make payments, and check-in, all within seconds? Not very much. Except for maybe post-workout endorphins and protein ice cream.

Nothing kills pre-workout mojo like having to wait in a long check-in line, especially during peak season. Some services offer the option for a quick scan-in with a membership card or even a fingerprint.

*Employee Management:

The same way member management is important to your business so is the morale of your team. The happier your staff is, the likelier the chance of your members being happy too. Stressed out employees will be unable or unwilling to service your community the way you need them to.

A way to remedy this is by lightening up the workload and leaving some administrative tasks to the software. Scheduling, inventory, finances, and satisfaction surveys are all things that it can do. As a result, your employees will have one main program to focus their efforts on versus juggling several different small ones with endless reminders, spreadsheets, and calendars. You will greatly increase their productivity time, which in turn can be used to assist guests. 

*Financial Management:

In addition to managing your members and crew, keeping a close watch on your financial data helps you understand how your facility makes money. It’s a good practice to make yourself aware of all daily revenue, billing statements, month-to-date membership sales, and delinquencies. Also, tune in to conversion rates to learn about prospective members.

Any of the information available will be done with real-time reporting, allowing you to make better informed financial decisions.

What is the cost?

Much like gym shorts, pricing isn’t a one size fits all kind of thing. There are many different options available. In order to find the best suitable package for you and your gym, you will need to consider the size of your location as well as the number of your staff and members.

Did we answer your questions about management solutions? If you are interested in learning about our packages at EZFacility, please request more information on our gym software page or schedule your free demo today.

If you’re new to the idea of owning a gym or just want to grow your business, don’t miss our recent blogs, “How to Start a Gym.” and “How to Run a Successful Gym.” for more helpful industry-related tips.

How to Start my own Gym

How to Start my own Gym

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

So, you’re thinking of starting a gym.

Why wouldn’t you? You’ve been a personal trainer for a while now, you enjoy the industry and you have a pretty loyal client base. Opening your own business seems like the next logical step, right? You’d have your own space, make your own rules, control your own money, and be your own boss. What else is there to know?

But before you sign on the dotted line, read over this post to make sure you’ve thought of these five crucial steps.

1. Research, Research, Research

First, research. And then, research some more.

Jumping straight into gym ownership would be like taking an exam without ever studying for it. Sure, there might be one lucky person out there who can wing it and get their degree. (Scary!) But for the general public, that isn’t recommended- or even plausible. Researching and studying is essential.

There is so much more to running a gym than merely asking your clients to follow you to some space you’re renting out. And you stand to lose quite a bit, financially and emotionally, if you skip this important step.

Ask yourself these questions:

Are you going to open a gym on your own? Or will you have a business partner? Do you already have the money for it, or will you need a loan? Have you considered an investor?

Is there a business name yet? Do you know if it’s available or already taken?

How big of a space will you need? What is the most money you can afford to spend monthly? Does that include utilities and fees? What about repairs or upgrades?

What kind of gym will it be, anyway? Is there a specific demographic, or client base, you hope to target? Bodybuilders? Athletes? Families? Yogis? All the above?

Will you buy or lease your equipment? Do you plan to offer classes? How many instructors and staff members will you need to hire? Are there any competitors in the area? Will your facility sell apparel and food?

If you don’t have all the answers, that’s okay. Now you know where to start.

If you do have all the answers, kudos to you. Advance to GO. Or, bullet number 2.

2. Create a Plan

You’ve done the research. Now it’s time to draft up your game plan. If you’re applying for a loan, you will need a written plan.

Make sure you give yourself a realistic timeline to work with. Rome wasn’t built in a day. And your gym won’t be either. It’s going to take a significant amount of planning.

You don’t have to go at this step alone. Find a mentor or somebody you trust to look over it all with you. Having a fresh pair of eyes and an extra set of ideas is always helpful.

If you know other gym owners or business owners, that’s great! They can tell you how they got their start, how to prioritize your list of to-do’s, which pitfalls to be aware of, and ways to outshine the competition.

If you don’t know any yet, don’t worry. Consider ways to network in the industry and meet some; This is easier to do now than ever, thanks to social media. Hop online and search for gym related business forums on Facebook and Linkedin. Once you feel comfortable with them, ask if you can pick their brains about all things related to starting a gym and gym ownership.

3. Cover Your Bases

You did the initial research and mapped up a draft plan. Now it’s time to get your players suited up to cover your bases. Your legal bases, that is.

Accidents happen. And unfortunately, gyms are one of those places accidents happen in. You want to make sure you have the right legal protection for yourself and your business.

Also, if you have a co-owner or investor, you will need each person’s role and percentages in writing. That way there is no confusion or power struggles later on.

What are some things to start looking into? A legal entity, a business bank account, liability insurance, permits and licenses, and tax registration.

4. Get and Stay Organized

Once you have 1-3 done, it’s time to think about ways to get and stay organized. Organization will be key to a smooth kick-off. And it will ensure you stay on top of things as your establishment grows larger.

It’s easy to get lost or drown in the technical aspect of the business. Especially if you are low on staff to start with and taking on many roles.

Do yourself a solid and find a reputable software to use- straight off the bat; Like EZFacility’s gym management software. It will make announcements, planning and sharing class schedules, and setting up gym memberships much easier. You even have the option to send your clients text messages. Talk about convenience!

Your software can track and manage memberships, keep cancellation rates low, set you up for financial success, and make you very, very happy.

5. Get the Word out

Now for the fun part. You have to get the word out. Shout it from the mountain tops! “I am running a gym!” Or, just get on social media and tell everyone you know. Same thing.

Most of your friends, family and existing client base will be happy to share your news on their platforms without you even having to ask. But, don’t feel shy about making a request. Most will oblige; This is terrific news.

Also, use some old-school marketing and networking. Print attractive flyers and business cards to post up at local establishments or to hand out to any new people you meet.

Finally, open your space to your community. Offer trial classes, workshops, and anything else that might entice people to check out the place. Free coffee and kittens! Hey, whatever works.

Another good idea is to consider renting out your facility to other groups in the area. Anything that gains your facility positive exposure and gets people out there could drum up potential clients. Looking for more great gym information? Once you have your gym up and running check out our other resources like how to run a successful gym.

How to Run a Successful Gym

How to Run a Successful Gym

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Anybody can open a gym, if they have the financial backing for it. But, whether or not it will be a successful business is a whole other story. In this post, you will learn how to run a successful gym. Here are four tips from building relationships with gym members to implementing gym management software.

Build Relationships

First things first. Why do you want to open a gym? Is it because you love looking and feeling healthy and want to help others look and feel healthy too? Or, because you believe if you can make money doing something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life?

While those things may be true, you are leaving out a fundamental answer; The community.

Think about why you have been a gym goer in the past. The feeling you got being around other positive, goal-oriented individuals is likely what prompted you to open your own space.

Learn names, build relationships, create a community, and stay involved. Create frequent in-house events and join them. Gym members who feel seen and valued as part of the family will be more likely to become lifelong customers.

A small gym is at an advantage here. They are appealing because it means each trainer has more time to spend getting to know their clients one-on-one. As a result, they are really able to foster that sense of community. But, with a little determination and some added attention to detail, a larger gym can recreate the same intimate atmosphere as a small gym.

Get on Social Media

Nowadays, everyone is on social media, and you (and your instructors) should be too. It’s easier than ever to reach existing and potential customers online. Make sure your business has two things: a welcoming, user-friendly website, and a strong online presence.

Another benefit to having a social media account is you can manage your online reviews. You should encourage your members to give you a shout out. People love to know which places their friends and family recommend and why. If they are on the fence about which fitness establishment to check out, a positive review with your name on it could tip them over your way.

Being online is an excellent way to minimize negative comments too, as well as get honest feedback to incorporate in your business. It shows other people how well you handle those situations.

Consider Marketing

If there is room in your budget, consider getting help with your marketing strategy. A good marketing plan can inform your target audience about your gym and services. Plus, it will help set you apart from your competitors, and attract new members. With a smart marketing strategy, you can even build out loyalty programs to focus on retention.

Start with email marketing. Carefully craft emails offering trial periods to prospective members. Or, those who are looking to test out the waters before making any commitments. Later on, send newly tailored emails with specific messages to encourage those same people in becoming paying members. At the same time, a separate email blast can keep your current members engaged.

Use Technology

Memberships, schedules, and money, oh my! How will you keep track of it all?

With gym scheduling software, that’s how. A reputable software can assist with online class scheduling, management, and membership. It can reduce your workload, keep you organized, increase revenue, and free up quality time you can use to service your members instead.

This one goes back to your community. Your members should always be your main priority because when members feel involved, they are more compelled to return. And most of your financial success will come from keeping cancellation rates low.

Track your membership data with software, like EZFacility’s gym management software. It will alert you of clients who are at risk of canceling their membership, so you and your instructors know when to send them a little extra love.

It will also make planning and sharing class schedules a breeze. Especially if you get set up with a branded app for your customers. With tons of features, the software allows for nurture emails and texts that will keep fitness – and your business – on their mind.

Were these tips on how to run a successful gym helpful? Check out our other blog posts for gym retention strategies and more.