Online Yoga

Facilitating At-Home Yoga Classes

« Blog | Written by Kathryn Dressler | | (0) Comments |

The unprecedented impact of the Coronavirus took everyone by surprise and left many business owners scrambling to identify ways to maintain a revenue stream and cover operating costs despite physical locations being closed. In the face of adversity—and although the fitness industry was one of the hardest hit– savvy yoga instructors have quickly adapted and began to offer pre-recorded and virtual yoga classes. 

The popularity of yoga existed long before Covid-19, but the shift to at-home yoga has created a new path for people to experience the benefits of yoga that weren’t always able to do so, whether because of scheduling issues or geographic distances.

The increased demand for at-home and virtual yoga classes should come as no surprise as people are looking for ways to stay active and destress amid such a time of uncertainty. It presents a unique opportunity for yoga practitioners to modify their traditional practices to suit the current environment and bring the tools of meditation, breathing exercises and movement to people in their homes.

If you’re considering adding virtual yoga classes to your yoga practice, here are some tips to help you with the transition.

Get Integrated and Test the Link

One of the most popular mediums for streaming yoga classes is Zoom. Once you have your account set up, you’ll want to make sure you integrate it with your yoga studio management software. Once connected—all class attendees will have access to the day’s session from their Self-Service page, calendar, phone, iPad, etc. If you’re a first timer—definitely be sure to schedule a few test Zoom sessions to ensure you have the process down (practice makes perfect—namaste!).

Test the Internet & Audio Connections

Always test your internet and audio connection before you begin your virtual yoga classes! To check your internet connection, run your browser through a speed test or try opening and scrolling through a few web pages to make sure it’s up-to-speed.

If you’re using Zoom and want to test your audio, click the upward pointing arrow next to the microphone icon to open the audio options. From there, select “Test Speaker & Microphone” and then follow the prompts.

Choose the Right Background

You’ll want to make sure you’re teaching your yoga classes in an environment that’s clean and free of clutter. Try to find a wall in your home that has a good amount of space, and then remove clutter and distracting objects.

Pay Attention to Lighting

You’ll want to be well lit from the front and sides, so make sure you don’t have light behind you as it will flood the camera’s sensors and make you appear dark. For this reason, try to avoid teaching with a window in frame or a bright lamp in the frame with you.

Work out the Kinks in Advance

As with most things, practice makes perfect. Do a few recorded trial runs before you officially launch your virtual yoga classes. Make sure your yoga poses are fully visible, and that your audio and internet connection are up-to-par.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure you’ve figured out how to seamlessly schedule and book classes, and that’s where we can help! Achieve peace of mind with our powerful yoga studio management system, which now offers Zoom integration. To learn more, click here to schedule a free demo.

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